Brookfield Congregational Church

8 Common Street
P.O. Box 457
Brookfield Massachusetts, 01506-0457

 Click here to leave an E-mail message
Phone: (508) 867-6262
Sunday Service starts at 10:00 AM
Communion First Sunday of the Month


Readers:  Introductory statement: "A reading from" Genesis or "A reading from" the Acts of the Apostles, (note: not necessary to give  chapter and verses if printed in bulletin), at conclusion of reading please say "The word of the Lord". Intro statement for a Gospel reading: "The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to" John, or according to Matthew (note again  not necessary to give chapter and verses if printed) end with "The Gospel of the Lord". You can indicate at Gospel reading "Please stand if able for the Gospel". Again that is not necessary if bulletin indicates standing.


All readings should be from an Authorized version:   King James, New King James (pulpit and pew Bible at present time) New Revised Standard Version, New International Version. All these are English translations of original Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek; they are approved by wide-variety of English speaking churches, and authorized by their representative leadership. 


**NB**   There is a possibility of change any given Sunday, usually with advance notice, but this rare so such announced lists are generally accurate.      Pastor john 

Scripture Readings for July 2024


Old Testament




Epistle Reading
2 Corinthians 12:2-10

Mark 6:1-13

Communion Sunday

For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.


Psalm 24

Mark 4:35-41

Rising tides, lift all ships. The power of one miracle can effect many.


Epistle Reading
Ephesians 2:11-22

Mark 6:30-34 ,53-56

Not seeing the stranger as someone unknown but someone to know.


Epistle Reading
Ephesians 3:14-21

John 6:1-21

Seeing ourselves as a culmination of brokenness, the sum being greater than the parts.

Scripture Readings for August 2024






Ephesians  4:1-16

John 6:24-35

Communion Sunday

Pastor Brian will be on vacation


Ephesians 4: 25-5:2

John 6:35. 41-51



Ephesians 5:15-20

John  6:51-58



Ephesians 6:10-20

John 6;56-69

Dr. Kathleen Hostermna