Brookfield Congregational Church

         Brookfield Massachusetts, 01506-0457

Men's Ministry Group

The Men's Ministry Group will be meeting on Tuesday’s at 6:30 starting January 8th. Sign up sheet is on the bulliten board in Fellowship Hall. All men are welcome!  We will be following an 8 week DVD series created by Kenny Luck with a work book and discusions. The first 8 weeks we will be focused on Friendship and the second 8 weeks we will be focused on Temptation. Feel free to contact Bill Simpson at 508-867-6897 with any questions. 


Friendship: Transform Through Strong Relationships – DVD Leader Kit is an 8 session men’s Bible study by Kenny Luck. God’s Word is clear about the importance of godly friendships — and how God designs them to complete us spiritually. If you ever hope to win the battles you face in your spiritual journey, you must be connected to godly men. The problem is that many men today act as if they don’t need friends — and they’re paying the price. Risking relationships is not easy for men, but it’s non-negotiable for God’s man. When you stand with others who share your spiritual goals, you achieve them faster. That’s God’s way. Godly friendships create consistency, provide care and support, stimulate healthy confession, produce new connections, and make you complete in Christ. They produce positive changes in your character, convictions, conduct, and commitment to do life God’s way.

  • Kit includes DVD with 8 group sessions and Workbook with leader guide
  • Discussion based
  • Video driven
  • A Get Healthy study (from the Sleeping Giant Ministry Strategy)


  • Learn how to build and benefit from friendships with godly men.
  • Practical studies—for individual use or group settings—facilitate personal encounters with God and other men
  • Ideal for existing men’s groups or new ones emerging from ongoing ministry
  • Counters the effects of isolation in the lives of men
  • Helps men in the crucial area of building strong relationships—an area of deficiency for many men

Temptation: Standing Strong Against Temptation is a men's Bible study of the Book of James that will equip you to think clearly and choose wisely when dealing with temptation. Part of the "God's Man Series" it will help you confront this pervasive problem in God’s wisdom and strength, so you can begin to live an undivided life. Some men have learned the secret of being undivided between what they believe and how they actually think and live. They possess integrity. They’ve gained new perspectives on the trials and temptations they face, new tools to help them overcome automatic human responses to challenging situations, and new actions that produce humility and flexibility in God’s strength. This study is designed to help your group become men of such integrity. (8 sessions)


  • Kit includes DVD and small group Member Book
  • Discussion based
  • Video driven
  • A Get Healthy resource


  • Helps break the Enemy’s power of temptation by confronting with God’s truth
  • Encourages men to victory through accountability
  • Gets men healthy as they follow a spiritual pathway to Christlikeness

Kenny Luck is an ECPA platinum award-winning author of the God’s Man and Every Man series of books and Bible studies. He is the pastor of men at Saddleback Church where over 7,000 men are connected in small groups, and he is the founder of Every Man Ministries, providing conferences, training, and resources to fuel the church-to-church men’s movement worldwide.