Brookfield Congregational Church

8 Common Street
P.O. Box 457
Brookfield Massachusetts, 01506-0457
 Click here to leave an E-mail message
Phone: (508) 867-6262
Sunday Service starts at 10:00 AM
Communion First Sunday of the Month

Moderator Moment 
June 2024

As we approach the summer months there are pleasant distractions which cause church attendance to fall, and in turn your contributions to the work of the Church.

Recent Trustee expenses bring the reality of the summer months into sharper focus. Over the last month the heating system for the addition required maintenance. While the 16-year-old system doesn’t need immediate replacement we are faced with the reality of a need to prepare for the replacement. This wasn’t the only surprise. Two of the emergency lights failed and needed to be replaced. Again, a system that was part of the work to complete the addition requires updating. The biyearly elevator inspection was planned. Then a piece to the front door column support was found detached. The Council obtained a quote and will be proceeding with the repair.

As the Trustees proceed with the work it is a good time for the Congregation to be reminded, especially with the summer months approaching, of the importance of your tithes and offerings. Typically, we don’t look to a Stewardship Campaign until the Fall. As we look to address building issues this summertime we are looking to form a committee with two purposes. First to work with all the boards and committees to develop a proposed draft budget for 2025 and in turn look to the Congregation to develop an understanding of what the Church can afford. While the budgeting process has fallen to the Trustees in past years with the growth in activities and attendance, it is time to form a Stewardship Committee to aid in preparing plans for the remainder of this year and setting the Church up for continued success in 2025.

The next Council Meeting is June 10th at 7PM. The Council will be discussing this topic. In the meantime, if you have an interest in participating in a stewardship activity please reach out to me.

You can always find a snapshot of the financial status of the Church in the weekly bulletin and the newsletter. The Council has had a longstanding practice of not spending what we do not have. This summary guides the Council’s work. The Church much appreciates the generosity of the congregation. Your generosity enables the work of the Church.

Yours Faithfully,

Clarence (Punk) Snyder
