Brookfield Congregational Church

Brookfield Massachusetts, 01506-0457

Brookfield Congregational Church's History

The Brookfield Congregational Church has a rich history dating back to the beginnings of the roots of congregationalism.  The church is a longstanding, self-governing, independent body today listing itself as a member of the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ.  This independence was hard fought with the evolution of the early church in the Brookfields.  Issues over separation from the Unitarians during the Second Awakening led to what was called the Garrett Church, where the group met in secret.  Today the church enjoys the inheritance of early evangelical beliefs from the 1820’s honoring the value of all and providing a safe place to worship and grow for those who believe or are looking to.

The Church’s mission statement says it best “as a vision of hope” responding to the Community and beyond.
